Use these worksheets and reflection tools to build your skills to thrive while facing VUCA.
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Circles of Concern, Influence, & Control
Worry and anxiety often become prevalent emotions when people find themselves in situations where they perceive a lack of control. Human beings have an innate need for a sense of agency and predictability in their lives. When this perceived control is absent, it can trigger a cascade of anxious thoughts and emotions. Use this guide to focus your attention on the things you can influence and control.
Download GuideFear of Change Worksheet
Fear of change is a deeply ingrained human emotion rooted in our evolutionary history and psychological makeup. Change often represents uncertainty and the unknown, triggering the brainโs threat response, which is designed to keep us safe. When faced with change, our brains can perceive it as potential risk, even if it is positive change. Download this worksheet to diagnose and start working through your change-related fears.
VUCA Perception Worksheet
Your perceptions about extreme change are profoundly shaped by a complex interplay between your skill set, experiences, mindsets, and habits. These factors collectively form the lens through which you view and respond to significant shifts in your life. Download this worksheet to reflect on how you can use your skills, experiences, mindset, and habit set to your advantage as you navigate change.
Download WorksheetVUCA Assessment
Use this assessment to help determine if you are experiencing extreme change. This tool can provide helpful diagnosis about where to focus and offers some tips as well.